Monday, February 3, 2020

Flash Fiction: Night

Flash Fiction: “Night”
On one sheet of paper do the following:
1.     Put your MLA heading on the paper (upper left side)
2.     Before you read decide what the story is about based on the title.  Write a sentence of what you think.
3.     Read the story silently to yourself and mark words you don’t know or words that stand out.
4.     Turn the paper over and write everything you remember happening in the story.
5.     Reread the story again as many ties as needed to fully understand what’s happening.
6.     Now add more details you discovered.  Write everything you learned after rereading.
7.     Write a paragraph telling what you think is happening in the story.

Once finished with the above, fill in the plot chart for the story.

Make sure everything is legible, then staple the papers together:  Notebook paper on top, plot chart next, and story on back.  Turn in for a grade.

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