Thursday, February 22, 2018

Prompt 9: Contentment (2/26) & 10 Spring Break (2/27)

9:Should we be content or satisfied with what we have or should we want more? What if wanting more caused us or someone we love harm? Explain your position.

10: Describe with sensory, vivid details the perfect spring break. What would you see? What would you do? You can describe a moment or you can take your reader on a longer journey.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Prompt 8: 3 Wishes (2/20)

If you were given three wishes, what would you wish for?  Explain your reasons for each wish.  Sorry, you cannot wish for more wishes.

Prompts 1-10 will be due Tuesday, February 27th.

**Binder Check 3 will be Tuesday, February 27th.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Prompt 7: And the Oscar goes to... (2/16)

In your opinion, what is the best movie of the year?  Support your opinion with an intelligent review of the film.  Talk about the plot, set design, score (background music), special effects, etc.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Prompt 6: Something in the Room (2/15)

Imagine you are an object in the room (that we all can see).  Speak from that object's perspective.  What is it like to be this object?  What does it see, hear, feel, think?  Write from the first person perspective.  Don't say what you are.  Be creative with your details and experiences.  Try not to make it too obvious.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Prompt 5: Clothing

*Prompt 5: Article of Clothing
If you were an article of clothing, what would you be? Explain why. Think symbolically. Incorporate the article into your writing.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Prompt 4: Tone (2/9)

Practicing Tone:

1. Describe something you love.
2. Now, write about the same topic with a negative attitude.
3. Circle words in both descriptions that convey your tone (or attitude) toward the subject.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Script Writing Rubric

Script Recording Rubric

_____Recording matches script & is creative (may have slight 

differences) (20)

                _____Script and recording are almost similar (15)

                _____ Creativity (5)

_____Presentation elements (15)

_____Well put together (5)

_____Professional acting (5)

_____Speaking is clear (5)

_____ Connection to audience (10)

                _____Eye Contact (4)

                _____Keep audience’s attention (6)

_____Presentation uploaded on time (5)

                _____Upload on due date (5)

                _____ Upload after due date (3)

                _____No video upload (0)  
Total Points: _____/50 x2 _______

Prompt 3: The Best...

Finish the ideas with details.

      The Best...
              Friends are...
              Movies have...
              Stories include...
              Sport is...

Make sure you finish with more than just one word, the prompt says "details," which is plural.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Prompt 2: Come to the Table (2/5)

Imagine you can invite four people to a table. These people must be close friends or family who have inspired you and/or have had a positive impact on
your life. Draw the image of a round table and four chairs (boxes). In each box, write about someone who has influenced your life.  

**Image: Circle in the middle, four boxes large enough to write in around it.

Word List 14 (2/5)

Word List 14
Aggrandize (v)                       Orthography (n)
Bombast (n)                            Paleontology (n)
Deign (v)                                 Panache (n)
Elicit (v)                                  Paroxysm (n)
Endemic (adj.)                        Recoil (v)
Flaunt (v)                                Saturnine (adj.)
Mendacious (adj.)                   Shibboleth (n)

Obviate (v)

*Panache (n): self-confidence; a showy manner.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Prompt 1: Crayons (2/2)

If you were a crayon, what type would you be?
What color would you be? How does that color represent your personality?
Where do you sit in the box? Why?
How are you used? Do you have a dull or sharp end?
Are you that crayon in a shoe box with speckles all over?
What could that mean about you?

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Album Cover Project

Develop an album cover, complete with visuals on the front, and a song list on the back.  Develop a mythical playlist of 10 songs that tell a story about The Crucible through its song titles.

The cover must have a title and your name.  The title cannot have any part of the word "crucible" in it.  There must be either a picture or a drawing/pattern.

The back must have two lists.  Side A and Side B.  Each side must have 5 song titles that tell a story, and relate to the title.  The picture or color from the front must be carried over onto the back.

Due end of class Monday

The Crucible Album Cover Project Rubric
Directions: Develop an album cover, complete with visuals on the front and a song list on the back. Develop a mythical playlist of 10 songs that tells a story about The Crucible through its song titles.

Cover (35 points)
____ Cover relates to The Crucible (15)
____ Lots of color (15)
____ Title of album is original (5)

Back (35 points)
____ List of 10 original (made up) song titles (10)
____ Song titles are numbered and relate to the
         album title (and The Crucible) (10)
____ Song titles tell a story (15)

Mechanics (30 points)
____ Spelling/Grammar (5)
____ Album looks like effort was put into it (10)
____ Album and songs are neatly written and
         drawn (10)
____ Turned in on time (5)

Total: ______/ 100